6 Ways to Avoid Breakdowns When You Drive a Classic Car

Whether you are looking to enjoy the scenery while driving your classic car or planning a road trip, you will need to make sure that your car is prepared. Although all types of cars should be prepared before the road trip, classic cars particularly require you to do a...

6 Ways to Get Better Gas Mileage and Save Money

Getting better gas mileage does not necessarily mean buying high end fuel delivery systems or switching to a hybrid vehicle. There are several ways to get better mileage and make them a habit to reduce your fuel costs. These particularly come in handy when the...

6 Vehicle Maintenance Tasks You Should Do In The Fall

Fall has finally arrived, meaning summer is the rear-view mirror and the days are set to cooler and shorter as we head towards winter. This presents the perfect opportunity to conduct some regular vehicle maintenance, with the changing seasons having various effects...
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